Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Your 2nd Amendment

Some of you may or may not be familiar with OUR second amendment but it states "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." This basically states that Congress is prohibited from infringing upon the right of the people to keep and bear Arms in the United States of America. Where ABC news who stated, "U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to blame?" got a headline like this
completely perplexes me. How could a news media conglomerate who claims to be reporting a NON-BIASED OPINION of the news for the PEOPLE actually ever say something like this? How could people like Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, The President and Vice President of the FREE WORLD, speak out against the second amendment by enforcing stricter gun laws and even banning certain guns from American citizens.

I agree that firearms should be registered with the government for many reasons, such as being able to assist police in locating firearms used in violent crimes and making sure if your gun is stolen that it can be easily identified as your weapon if it is recovered. But to support something like The D.C. Handgun Ban, which Barrack Obama stated it as being constitutional to support the banning
of handguns in the Distric of Columbia is absolutely ridiculous. Who are these people to go against the amendments our founding fathers created in order to protect this nations citizens from being controlled by another tyrant like the British were several hundred years ago. It's amazing to me how news coverage can actually beef up stories about border control being impossible because of our right to keep and bear arms. Since when did the mom and pop pawn shops supply drug cartels with guns
to kill each other and american citizens along the southern border? This is just an attempt to attack another one of our rights as citizens in this country that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks.

It doesnt make sense to me that people would even consider it being the fault of the Second Amendment for these MULTI-BILLION dollar drug cartels acquiring firearms. Why would these people look for these firearms in the U.S. when they can buy them in other countries on where it isnt illegal and much cheaper? To ban ANY firearm from the hands of responsible americans is absolutely unconstitutional. Yes it is true that its possible for thugs and criminals to also get ahold of these firearms as well as any responsible american. But you cant assume someone is guilty before they even commit a crime by completely banning guns. Even if you were to ban guns from american citizens, do you really think criminals wouldn't be able to obtain them on black markets anyways? All this would create is criminals being armed for invading your home and you not having a means of protection against it, out of fear of being a criminal yourself. We need citizens to stand up and support our rights as citizens by joining organizations such as the N.R.A., who not only stand up for OUR rights to bear arms but are standing up
against tyrants from stripping away what little rights we have left.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is Cap and Trade and Why is it Bad For You?

There is a lot of discussion going on about Cap and Trade in Washington D.C. and I can bet that most you reading this right now have no clue what Cap and Trade even is or better yet, how it can affect your life! You might not be familiar with Cap and Trade but I'm sure many of you have at least heard about all of this "global warming" debate that's been going on and that is what Cap and Trade centers around for the most part. I put that in quotes because "man-made global warming" is very disputed and most knowledgeable scientist agree that it actually doesn't exist. Whether it exists or not isn't why I'm writing this, I'm writing this because I want all of you to be familiar with Cap and Trade and understand how it will affect your daily life if it gets passed in the Senate. I'm not going to go into too great of detail, rather just give you a quick overview and I would recommend doing some further reading to fully grasp this idea!

What is Cap and Trade?
The basic idea is that the federal government wants to impose set limits on six emission gases that they think are causing "global warming". The primary gas focused on is carbon dioxide. The government wants to "cap" these emissions and sell permits to all of the power plants, refineries, and natural gas companies. If a company exceeds the set limit then they will have to pay a penalty. According to the budget President Obama proposed in February, the administration would aim to "reduce greenhouse gas emissions approximately 14% below 2005 levels by 2020, and approximately 83% below 2005 levels by 2050." This proposed system would require companies emitting gases (mainly carbon dioxide) above the cap to buy allowances. Companies that emit gases under the cap would then be able to sell, or trade, their allowances to other companies that need them. This already causes an obvious problem for you, the consumer, because this means that the increase in money these companies have to spend refurbishing their emission procedures, buying extra allowances, and the fines they will pay while doing so will be passed on to you. In short, your power, gas, and water bills will increase considerably.

How much will it cost you?
They are already experimenting with this in Minnesota and when it is fully implemented the average household would see energy costs rise by $823 more per year in 2025. This would be 80% more than under the current laws. That's an awesome scenerio compared to what it would be for all U.S. citizens if the Waxman-Markey bill gets passed through the Senete. Their bill will raise electricity rates 90%, gas prices 74%, and natural gas prices 55%. The average U.S. household would pay $1,960 per year for eight years:

The actual effect it would have on reducing "global warming":
With all of this money being spent by the government and energy companies and all the money you are going to have to fork out individually, you would expect this to actually work pretty considerably, right? Well, if the 80% reduction in greenhouse gases were applied globally, greenhouse gases would stabilize at 450 parts per million. And by 2100, temperatures would rise by just 1.02 degrees C. That would mean 1.75 degrees of warming avoided! One problem, as if that's not already a HUGE problem, India and China have already stated they would not match U.S. environmental goals in order to protect their economies. So not only will this whole thing not work at all and you will be paying THOUSANDS every year for it but all the manufacturer's that don't want to pay the fines will just move their jobs to China and India!

So people, please get informed about this issue, it's time we stop all of this oppression by our own federal government simply for their political gain! Call and/or write your congressman and tell them that you DO NOT want to pay thousands upon thousands of your hard-earned money on a Cap and Trade bill that WILL NOT work in the first place!

- Chase

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Rising Star Has Fallen

Governor Mark Sanford, of South Carolina, in a press conference on Tuesday admitted to having an affair with a mistress from Argentina. Unfortunately for Republicans, and other conservative parties, this will be detrimental to Governor Sanford's potential run at the Presidency in the 2012 election cycle. He immediately resigned from his Chairmanship of the Republican Governors Association, and is now faced with the decision to resign from his office or possibly face impeachment from the state legislature. This seems like an ironic turn of "affairs" (pun intended) for Gov. Sanford since he was such a harsh critic of the Clinton scandal calling him a quote, "rascal." So the question stands to be answered, should Gov. Sanford resign, and if he will not, should he be impeached?

First, let us take a look what Sanford had to do to continue this affair with his mistress. It began innocently, as Sanford explained in the initial confession, with e-mails being exchanged back and forth. But quickly escalated into something more as he admitted. This is where the situation just gets down right scandalous. Let's just go through a list of things the Governor had to do to follow through with this affair: he was discovered to be having the affair 5 months ago (continued to meet with the woman despite the fact he had been found out), he had to make sure his passport was updated, that he had hiking boots, that he packed, that bought an international plane ticket, that he lied to and deceived staff, family, and friends at to his wear abouts, evade his security detail, check in at the airport, go through security, get on the plane, fly to Argentina, get off the airplane, take a car to the mountains, and hike through the mountains to have an affair. This is not the sign of man who simply "fell" morally, this is the sign of a man who planned, calculated, and contrived a way to carry out these immoral actions. At any one of these points of action he could have listened to his conscience and stopped carrying out the plans, but he did not and therefore proved himself to be an irrational, immoral, and irresponsible husband, father, friend, and governor.

In my opinion, the governor should resign of his own accord. He admitted that his actions were wrong and even that God had a law and that there are consequences for breaking that law. Yet, he cannot see why he would need to resign, even when his party is calling for his resignation to maintain so of the moral dignity left. It is likely that the governor is getting advice from all different types of people in the political sphere on what he should do, but what are the people of South Carolin saying? Oddly enough many of the South Carolinians who have been interviewed are sympathetic with governor and do not want to see him resign. It almost as if the people see this like reality television being played out before their eyes, thereby making them sympathetic to the main character. This is an odd scandal if you ask me, and not one I would like to find myself in the middle of as all of the South Carolina legislature will in the coming days.

So now comes the big question, if Gov. Sanford continues to choose not to resign, should the state legislature impeach him? Once again, in my opinion, the governor should be impeached. I have several reasons why. First, the Governor cannot be trusted to have his peoples interests in mind, since he has proved by this scandal to be an extremely selfish and self-centered person. Second, he has proved to be an immoral person who is capable of making irrational and irresponsible decisions that have detrimental impacts on the lives of other people. How then can the state continue to trust him to avoid corruption and scandal on inside deals and spending? Third, he has proven that the characteristics upon which he was elected are no longer true, and has broken the sworn oath he took when he became the governor of South Carolina. Therefore, I say step down Governor Sanford and maintain some dignity, otherwise go get him South Carolina legislature and get ready to make the history books "Mr. Sanford."

That's what we think, now tells what you think.

Signing off for Conservative Icon this is JJ Stephens.
Image taken from Associated Press.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

White Officer Accidentlly Shoots and Kills Off Duty Black Officer in Harlem

So the basic premise of this story is that Omar Edwards, a black officer, had just gotten off duty at 10:30 pm and saw his window smashed in and someone rummaging through his car. Omar proceeds to run after the assailant through a neighborhood. So far so good right?

Well, Omar also drew his gun in the midst of chasing this guy and an on-duty officer just so happened to be around. The on-duty officer drew his gun as well and shot Omar, who later died at the hospital. Now anyone with a brain can tell this was an accident, I mean come on, I black man chasing someone down a HARLEM neighborhood with a gun in his hand pointing it at another person who is trying to get away, not to mention at night so it's impossible to tell who this guy is. It's not like the officer could just pull up a chair and hold a conversation with this guy to find out who he is first.

He reacted to the situation and made a mistake, a boneheaded mistake. Now I'm not even saying that was the right thing to do, I'm just saying it was unintentional. BUT OHH NO, Al Sharpton thinks this was a racial hate crime. He thinks the officer shot Edwards just because he is black! Sharpton says he's "concerned about a 'growing pattern' of black police officers being killed when they are mistaken for criminals." Where's the stat. for that Al? He never gave one because there ISN'T one!

Give me a break! Maybe, just maybe , the mistake happened because first off this guy was in Harlem, at night, chasing a man while holding a gun, God forbid a mistake happens. But wait the only reason he was shot was because of his skin color, my bad. I suppose Sharpton wants all police officers to stop and have a cup of coffee or go on a full-fledged date with each and every black assailant in Harlem they come across to get a full background and family history check before they take any action. That makes sense. That shouldn't take AN ETERNITY at all considering it's a majority of black guys committing crimes 24/7 in Harlem in the first place. I mean it's the truth, look up the statistics.

Al Sharpton is a total moron and so is anyone who agrees with him. This guy made a stupid mistake, he will get punished for it.

Why Are Conservatives So Mean?

Check out this great video by Andrew Klavan. He is talking about the systematic changes that are being made by government to dumb you down and take away your liberty. He talks about "soft tyranny" as a means for the State to take control of your life. Watch and listen carefully, you might actually realize your learning something!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Woman Gets a Stimulus Check From Obama, One Problem: SHE’S BEEN DEAD 40 YEARS!!

Now this is just getting ridiculous, extremely funny, but still ridiculous nonetheless! President Obama has this country TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and he's sending tax payer money to a bunch of dead folks. Now you might say, "This is just one in a blue moon, Chase, everyone makes mistakes." Well, in fact, there have been over 10,000 of these "mistakes" made already just like this around the country. I'd say that's a bunch of blue moons!

I was under the impression that if you payed into the tax system one way or another the previous year you would get stimulus money the following year as an added bonus, that's how it's worked for awhile anyway. But Mrs. Rose has been taking the eternal nap for FORTY years! Lyndon B. Johnson said he wants some of that! Seriously, how is she still even in the system? I just think there are a lot better ways to spend tax payer money considering the economic crisis we're facing right now.

Then again, Obama really has no clue what he's doing in the first place when it comes to spending YOUR hard earned money. Click here to read a pretty solid list of the spending in the stimulus bill. See if there are maybe 1 or 2 things we, as taxpayers, could do without Obama wasting time and more importantly MONEY on.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 29, 2009

WOW, Bush Administration Dept. of Justice officials overrule career lawyers in case involving the KKK using voter intimidation with baseball bats!!!

Oh, sorry guys, I got that completely backwards actually! Haha, wow I crack myself up sometimes! What I meant to say is that PRESIDENT OBAMA Dept. of Justice officials dismissed a case involving the BLACK PANTHERS using voter intimidation with BILLY-CLUBS!!

Yes that's right folks, the transparent, hope and change regime has overruled career attorneys pretty much dropping the whole case all together.

These 3 boneheads were standing out in front of a polling center in Philadelphia with black military attire, wielding billy-clubs, and intimidating voters that were just trying to go inside and check a box on a ballot! One white guy, who was just working as a poll watcher, was told by them that: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!" This was just one complaint among a number of complaints by various people.

The career attorneys had a strong case of evidence against these "innocent" minority activists, including this video footage:

The Justice Department made the attorneys dismiss the case altogether for two of the defendants and ruled that the third is: "prohibited from bringing a weapon to a polling place in future elections." Now that's a pretty fair judgment if I ever saw one!

You can read the full story right here!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What constitutes a racist?

Is it a racist statement you make? Is it the belligerent rulings you have made as an activist judge in New York? Or in the case of the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, I'm pretty much going to have to say BOTH! Imagine if I, or any white person for that matter, were to say that I can reach a better solution to a problem over an hispanic person soley because I'm white and hispanic people don't know what it's like to be white. A lot of hypocirtical liberal ding-bats would surely call me a racist and disregard anything I had to say after that!

Well this is, in fact, just what this moron of a human being said along with a variety of other questionable statements! Read about that here

As for her rulings being racist, here's a little background story about the New Haven firefighters case from the Washington Post:

In 2003, the city [of New Haven, Connecticut] gave promotion exams--prepared by a firm specializing in employment tests, and approved, as federal law requires, by independent experts--to 118 candidates, 27 of them black. None of the blacks did well enough to qualify for the 15 immediately available promotions. After a rabble-rousing minister with close ties to the mayor disrupted meetings and warned of dire political consequences if the city promoted persons from the list generated by the exams, the city said: No one will be promoted.

Well, Sotomayor, with all her superior "hispanic" life experience, felt that it was a justified move and ruled against the white guys!! Of course this is going to be appealed and most likely overturned because for one it's just a rediculous ruling and two, 60% of her rulings have gotten overturned so far anyway so I have a pretty good feeling about it!

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The beginning of the end, or a continuation of the end...

Also, read this about President Obama's newest, extremely racist, and politically radical Supreme Court nominee!!

I honestly can't believe what is happening to this country! Please feel free to comment on how long it is before the United States destroys itself from the inside..

Joe Biden was absolutely right after all!

During the presidential campaign, then, vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden stated very matter of factly that Barrack Hussein Obama would face an international crisis within 6 months of taking office. For once in his political life Biden is actually right and doesn't look and/or sound like a complete jackass.

Over the weekend North Korea tested 5 NUCLEAR missiles which was in direct opposition to U.N. sanctions! I would say it is a lot worse than anything Saddam Hussein ever did considering nuclear missiles have the potential of wiping out total populations.

So what does President Barrack Obama do about it?

find out: By Clicking Here!