Friday, May 29, 2009

WOW, Bush Administration Dept. of Justice officials overrule career lawyers in case involving the KKK using voter intimidation with baseball bats!!!

Oh, sorry guys, I got that completely backwards actually! Haha, wow I crack myself up sometimes! What I meant to say is that PRESIDENT OBAMA Dept. of Justice officials dismissed a case involving the BLACK PANTHERS using voter intimidation with BILLY-CLUBS!!

Yes that's right folks, the transparent, hope and change regime has overruled career attorneys pretty much dropping the whole case all together.

These 3 boneheads were standing out in front of a polling center in Philadelphia with black military attire, wielding billy-clubs, and intimidating voters that were just trying to go inside and check a box on a ballot! One white guy, who was just working as a poll watcher, was told by them that: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!" This was just one complaint among a number of complaints by various people.

The career attorneys had a strong case of evidence against these "innocent" minority activists, including this video footage:

The Justice Department made the attorneys dismiss the case altogether for two of the defendants and ruled that the third is: "prohibited from bringing a weapon to a polling place in future elections." Now that's a pretty fair judgment if I ever saw one!

You can read the full story right here!

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