Saturday, May 30, 2009

Woman Gets a Stimulus Check From Obama, One Problem: SHE’S BEEN DEAD 40 YEARS!!

Now this is just getting ridiculous, extremely funny, but still ridiculous nonetheless! President Obama has this country TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and he's sending tax payer money to a bunch of dead folks. Now you might say, "This is just one in a blue moon, Chase, everyone makes mistakes." Well, in fact, there have been over 10,000 of these "mistakes" made already just like this around the country. I'd say that's a bunch of blue moons!

I was under the impression that if you payed into the tax system one way or another the previous year you would get stimulus money the following year as an added bonus, that's how it's worked for awhile anyway. But Mrs. Rose has been taking the eternal nap for FORTY years! Lyndon B. Johnson said he wants some of that! Seriously, how is she still even in the system? I just think there are a lot better ways to spend tax payer money considering the economic crisis we're facing right now.

Then again, Obama really has no clue what he's doing in the first place when it comes to spending YOUR hard earned money. Click here to read a pretty solid list of the spending in the stimulus bill. See if there are maybe 1 or 2 things we, as taxpayers, could do without Obama wasting time and more importantly MONEY on.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 29, 2009

WOW, Bush Administration Dept. of Justice officials overrule career lawyers in case involving the KKK using voter intimidation with baseball bats!!!

Oh, sorry guys, I got that completely backwards actually! Haha, wow I crack myself up sometimes! What I meant to say is that PRESIDENT OBAMA Dept. of Justice officials dismissed a case involving the BLACK PANTHERS using voter intimidation with BILLY-CLUBS!!

Yes that's right folks, the transparent, hope and change regime has overruled career attorneys pretty much dropping the whole case all together.

These 3 boneheads were standing out in front of a polling center in Philadelphia with black military attire, wielding billy-clubs, and intimidating voters that were just trying to go inside and check a box on a ballot! One white guy, who was just working as a poll watcher, was told by them that: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!" This was just one complaint among a number of complaints by various people.

The career attorneys had a strong case of evidence against these "innocent" minority activists, including this video footage:

The Justice Department made the attorneys dismiss the case altogether for two of the defendants and ruled that the third is: "prohibited from bringing a weapon to a polling place in future elections." Now that's a pretty fair judgment if I ever saw one!

You can read the full story right here!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What constitutes a racist?

Is it a racist statement you make? Is it the belligerent rulings you have made as an activist judge in New York? Or in the case of the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, I'm pretty much going to have to say BOTH! Imagine if I, or any white person for that matter, were to say that I can reach a better solution to a problem over an hispanic person soley because I'm white and hispanic people don't know what it's like to be white. A lot of hypocirtical liberal ding-bats would surely call me a racist and disregard anything I had to say after that!

Well this is, in fact, just what this moron of a human being said along with a variety of other questionable statements! Read about that here

As for her rulings being racist, here's a little background story about the New Haven firefighters case from the Washington Post:

In 2003, the city [of New Haven, Connecticut] gave promotion exams--prepared by a firm specializing in employment tests, and approved, as federal law requires, by independent experts--to 118 candidates, 27 of them black. None of the blacks did well enough to qualify for the 15 immediately available promotions. After a rabble-rousing minister with close ties to the mayor disrupted meetings and warned of dire political consequences if the city promoted persons from the list generated by the exams, the city said: No one will be promoted.

Well, Sotomayor, with all her superior "hispanic" life experience, felt that it was a justified move and ruled against the white guys!! Of course this is going to be appealed and most likely overturned because for one it's just a rediculous ruling and two, 60% of her rulings have gotten overturned so far anyway so I have a pretty good feeling about it!

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The beginning of the end, or a continuation of the end...

Also, read this about President Obama's newest, extremely racist, and politically radical Supreme Court nominee!!

I honestly can't believe what is happening to this country! Please feel free to comment on how long it is before the United States destroys itself from the inside..

Joe Biden was absolutely right after all!

During the presidential campaign, then, vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden stated very matter of factly that Barrack Hussein Obama would face an international crisis within 6 months of taking office. For once in his political life Biden is actually right and doesn't look and/or sound like a complete jackass.

Over the weekend North Korea tested 5 NUCLEAR missiles which was in direct opposition to U.N. sanctions! I would say it is a lot worse than anything Saddam Hussein ever did considering nuclear missiles have the potential of wiping out total populations.

So what does President Barrack Obama do about it?

find out: By Clicking Here!